The ID Way™ Program

Registration Opens November 1, 2022 | New Cohort Starts January 10, 2023

Join the waitlist!

Come learn with the founder

Through the ID Way™ you can integrate the best of who you have become and what you know into how you live and work. You will learn the fundamentals of Integrative Development (ID), a powerful approach to personal and professional growth by Dr. David Drake. You will significantly reduce the amount of time you spend preparing and increase your ability to liberate the potential for growth in any moment.


10:00 AM (ET) Host
Jeff Staggs
6:00 PM (ET) Host
Emma Noguchi

The schedule for The ID Way™ Program

Live sessions are on Tuesdays at 10:00 am / 6:00 pm ET (US)

Welcome Retreat: Experiencing ID live

Module 1: Honoring your own journey

Module 2: Creating safety in the 'field'

Module 3: Learning at thresholds

Module 4: Engaging the bigger story

Module 5: Making the most of the moment

Module 6: Using structured emergence

Module 7: Putting it all together

Module 8: Using ID in projects+programs

Module 9: Infusing ID in your life+practice

Bonus session: Addressing your questions

Graduation: Celebrating and next steps

Your journey through each module



Develop yourself as a practitioner

— 90 minutes —



Deepen your grasp of the material

— 90 minutes —



Work on your project in a peer triad

— 120 minutes —



Reflect on observations and experiences

— 90 minutes —

Your learning journey includes:

  • Virtual sessions with David to develop yourself
  • Virtual sessions with faculty to explore content
  • Implementation sessions with cohort/alumni
  • On-demand video/audio recordings by David
  • Peer practice triad
  • Mastermind group 
  • Reflection activities 
  • Application exercises  
  • Alumni network 
  • Certification
  • Certificate (53 hours)
Sign up for the waitlist for 2023

“This program opened the door for me to dig deeper, to be vulnerable to myself and others, and to reflect on who I really want to be as I move forward in my work and my life. I discovered a place of gentle acceptance, of playful exploration, of clarity about what I feel called to be and do.  - Kristi D -


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